Future Data Improvement

None planned.

Instream Spawning Habitat

Data Source: FWS 2003 (pg 29-31)

Spawning habitat areas for Chinook Salmon (Fall Run, Late Fall Run, Winter Run) and Steelhead are based on data from a US Fish and Wildlife Service 2003 study of spawning habitat in the Sacramento River, between Keswick Dam and the confluence with Battle Creek. The spawning weighted usable area (WUA) source data were developed in six study segments. One of the study segments considers conditions with and without the Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District (A.C.I.D.) diversion dam. The A.C.I.D. boards are April 1st - October 31st. The Upper Sacramento Fall Run spawning WUA values include the spawning that occurs in the river section from Keswick to Deer Creek. The Late-Fall Run, Winter Run, and Steelhead spawn from Keswick to Battle Creek. Within the life cycle model, spawning only occurs on the Sacramento River in the Upper Sacramento River reach. This habitat area includes the area of both the Upper Sacramento River and Upper Mid-Sacramento River reaches combined. Mark Gard from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife provided the data in the ‘Sacramento’ tab of this spreadsheet. The data have been reorganized for clarity and are stored with this data package.

Spawning WUA

Below are the instream spawning WUAs for Fall Run Chinook Salmon, Late Fall Run Chinook Salmon, Winter Run Chinook Salmon, and Steelhead in the Sacramento River. Units are in square feet per 1000 feet.

Spawning Habitat (A.C.I.D boards in)

Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, FR_spawn_wua = Fall Run Chinook Spawning WUA, LFR_spawning_wua = Late Fall Run Chinook Spawning WUA, ST_spawn_wua = Steelhead Spawning WUA, WR_spawn_wua = Winter Run Chinook Spawning WUA, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs FR_spawn_WUA LFR_spawn_WUA ST_spawn_WUA WR_spawn_WUA watershed
3250 8553.719 7945.461 1998.007 5321.020 Upper Sacramento River
3500 8756.922 8204.024 2034.904 5627.105 Upper Sacramento River
3750 8939.986 8329.719 2041.319 5880.905 Upper Sacramento River
4000 9069.236 8394.523 2025.323 6111.320 Upper Sacramento River
4250 9082.162 8429.446 2009.004 6350.286 Upper Sacramento River

… with 25 more rows

Spawning Habitat (A.C.I.D boards out)

Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, FR_spawn_wua = Fall Run Chinook Spawning WUA, LFR_spawning_wua = Late Fall Run Chinook Spawning WUA, ST_spawn_wua = Steelhead Spawning WUA, WR_spawn_wua = Winter Run Chinook Spawning WUA, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs FR_spawn_WUA LFR_spawn_WUA ST_spawn_WUA WR_spawn_WUA watershed
3250 8679.536 8426.900 1685.370 6987.003 Upper Sacramento River
3500 8818.288 8558.582 1730.260 7311.780 Upper Sacramento River
3750 8939.287 8562.543 1748.125 7569.374 Upper Sacramento River
4000 9007.222 8508.830 1746.330 7789.940 Upper Sacramento River
4250 8966.538 8439.785 1741.729 8004.645 Upper Sacramento River

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The following plot shows the spawning WUA in square feet per thousand feet for Fall Run Chinook, Late-fall Run Chinook, Winter Run Chinook, and Steelhead. These area per length rates are multiplied by the total spawning reach length mapped by the Science Integration Team (SIT) to estimate available habitat.

Instream and Floodplain Rearing Habitat

Data Source: Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model

Instream and floodplain rearing habitat areas are based on habitat modeling conducted by NOAA NMFS for their Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model. The entire mapped rearing extent of the Sacramento River was modeled using the Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model, refined for use in their Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model. NOAA NMFS provided tabular suitable rearing habitat area data for three reaches of the Sacramento River (Keswick to Battle Creek, Battle Creek to Feather River, and Feather River to Freeport). The high quality depth and high quality velocity criteria (“Pref11”) “ChanArea” value was used for instream habitat, and “BankArea” result was used as floodplain area.

High quality habitat defined by:

The habitat areas are suitable and do not require futher suitability scaling.

NOAA NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon Life Cycle Model Segments:

CVPIA Sacramento Rearing Segments:

Rearing Habitat Area

The juvenile instream high quality rearing habitat for Winter Run Chinook Salmon in the Sacramento River is used as a surrogate for the other present Chinook runs. Units are in square meters.

Flow (cfs) Upper Sacramento River Upper-mid Sacramento River Lower-mid Sacramento River Lower Sacramento River
2000 408108.4 878413.6 588830.0 141024.84
2500 328336.6 741025.1 511765.5 125106.62
3000 300066.5 651171.6 433134.1 103166.84
3500 256124.3 534196.4 370989.6 91030.76
4000 296282.6 509043.3 333820.6 78698.88

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Chinook Salmon Instream Rearing Area Plot

The following plot shows the flow to highly suitable area in acres for Chinook Salmon Juveniles.

Floodplain Data

The areas represent highly suitable rearing area in square meters.

Upper, Upper-mid, and Lower-mid Sacramento River Floodplain Rearing Data

Flow (cfs) Upper Sacramento River Upper-mid Sacramento River Lower-mid Sacramento River
3500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
4000 6530.6297 26296.7549 7289.9552
4500 8071.5648 32501.6072 9010.0570
5000 131.9869 531.4688 147.3332
5500 135.3470 544.9990 151.0840

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Lower Sacramento River Floodplain Rearing Data

The Lower Sacramento River floodplain data are shown below in a separate table because floodplain is activated at a higher threshold (27500 cfs) than the other Sacramento sections. The areas represent highly suitable rearing area in square meters.

Flow (cfs) Lower Sacramento River
27500 0.0000
28000 119.9870
28500 135.5557
29000 151.1244
29500 252.4457

… with 25 more rows