Future Data Improvements

None planned.

Instream Spawning and Rearing Habiat

Data Source: FWS 2003 (77-78) and FERC relicensing of DeSabla (APPENDIX E6.3.2.6-J1)

Instream spawning and rearing habitat in Butte Creek is based on data from the FWS instream 2003 study and the FERC relicensing of DeSabla 2008 study. Spawning habitat data are from the FWS study (p. 77-78). For Spring Run only, spawning data were generated using a RIVER2D 2-dimensional hydraulic and habitat model. The spawning data were compiled in a spreadsheet and scaled by reach length. The rearing data come from DeSabla 2008 in the lower butte section of the appendix (APPENDIX E6.3.2.6-J1). Instream rearing habitat data were provided in a spreadsheet. Mark Gard instructed us to use cells A71:C101 for the Fall Run Chinook rearing data. Units are in square feet per 1000 feet.

Spawning Data

Spring Run

Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, SR_spawn_wua = Spring Run Chinook Spawning WUA, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs SR_spawn_wua watershed
20 656.4146 Butte Creek
25 662.8812 Butte Creek
30 669.0249 Butte Creek
35 680.7027 Butte Creek
40 685.0326 Butte Creek

… with 36 more rows


Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, ST_spawn_wua = Steelhead Spawning WUA, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs ST_spawn_wua watershed
60 3647 Butte Creek
70 4139 Butte Creek
80 4480 Butte Creek
90 4889 Butte Creek
100 5137 Butte Creek

… with 25 more rows

Rearing Data

Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, SR_fry_wua = Spring Run Chinook Fry WUA, SR_juv_wua = Spring Run Chinook Juvenile WUA, ST_adult_wua = Steelhead Adult WUA, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs SR_fry_wua SR_juv_wua ST_adult_wua watershed
60 17549 18472 14399 Butte Creek
70 16339 19560 15950 Butte Creek
80 15208 20259 17296 Butte Creek
90 14391 20632 18265 Butte Creek
100 13426 20894 19367 Butte Creek

… with 25 more rows

Spawning WUA

The following plot shows the weighted usable spawning area (WUA) in square feet per thousand feet for Spring Run Chinook Salmon. These area per length rates are multiplied by the total spawning reach length mapped by the Science Integration Team (SIT) to estimate available habitat.

Rearing WUA

The following plot shows the rearing WUA in square feet per thousand feet for Spring Run Chinook Salmon fry and juvenile. These rates are multiplied by the total rearing reach length mapped by the SIT to estimate available habitat.

Floodplain Rearing Habitat

Data Source: Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model

Fall Run

A 17.1 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 17.1 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 17.1 miles were classified as low gradient and 0 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis of long profile slopes and valley widths. The floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and used to approximate areas for the non-modeled extent. The area per unit length was scaled by a factor of 0.1 for the high gradient extent. There was no scaling factor applied to the low gradient extent.

Spring Run and Steelhead

A 17.1 mile portion of the entire mapped rearing extent of 31.7 miles was modeled using Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Of the entire mapped rearing extent, 17.1 miles were classified as low gradient and 14.6 miles were classified as high gradient based on a geomorphic analysis of long profile slopes and valley widths. The floodplain area per unit length was determined for the modeled extent and used to approximate areas for the non-modeled extent. The area per unit length was scaled by a factor of 0.1 for the high gradient extent. There was no scaling factor applied to the low gradient extent.

Floodplain Data

The areas represent total inundated area in acres.

Header Descriptions: flow_cfs = flow in cubic feet per second, FR_floodplain_acres = Fall Run Chinook floodplain acres, SR_floodplain_acres = Spring Run Chinook floodplain acres, ST_floodplain_acres = Steelhead floodplain acres, watershed = section of stream modeled for CVPIA SDM
flow_cfs FR_floodplain_acres SR_floodplain_acres ST_floodplain_acres watershed
310 0.00 0.00 0.00 Butte Creek
410 19.61 21.27 21.27 Butte Creek
450 31.27 33.92 33.92 Butte Creek
510 48.76 52.89 52.89 Butte Creek
610 74.51 80.82 80.82 Butte Creek

… with 23 more rows

Floodplain Plot